Which of the following is the best investment that you can ever make? A stock that has the potential of becoming very valuable in the future, a property in a distressed sale that
is under-valued by almost 100 per cent, or an invitation to invest in a totally new venture that can produce profits that are possibly 10 times of your initial sum?
is under-valued by almost 100 per cent, or an invitation to invest in a totally new venture that can produce profits that are possibly 10 times of your initial sum?
The answer is none of the above. The reason is simple – the best investment that you can ever make is YOU – in growing your wisdom and knowledge.
For without wisdom and knowledge, even the wealthiest person can end up poor.
And million-dollar income earners can end up with a mountain of debt.
This book aims to guide you to make informed judgments yourself, by learning ways on how you can be better in your financial planning and make all the wise decisions. You can do so only if you confront the reality that there are truly no shortcuts in planning for a comfortable life and retirement. Not everyone can become rich. But all of us can certainly try to avoid being poor – if you succeed in doing so, it means you will always have enough money.
Author: Tan Ooi Boon
Finalist at the 2022 Popular Readers' Choice Award
Trim Size
152 mm x 227 mm
264 pages
Published Date (Month, Year)
May 2022